What if we took the time to just be?
We're happy to share with you practices, meditations, tips and ideas that have been meaningful in our own journeys. Hope you enjoy them!
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Audios Somatic explorations July 27, 2020
What if we took the time to just be?
Audios Somatic explorations July 20, 2020
In this meditation we'll be exploring in our bodies the path that supports a calm state that allows looking at those around from a place of connection, compassion, and safety.
Audios Somatic explorations July 13, 2020
Once again we connect with the somatic aspect of our experience in an attempt to support presence and discover how to come back to ourselves. Let’s explore!
Audios Somatic explorations July 06, 2020
In today’s exploration we play with the process of coming back into presence. Exploring how it feels when we’re not present, and what we can do to come back.
Audios Somatic explorations June 29, 2020
What would it be like if we could observe ourselves, and our lives from a point of view of *No conflict*? What if we could see opposites as a fundamental and inseparable unit?
Audios Somatic explorations June 22, 2020
Many times we get caught up in the stories present in our lives. We go over and over a situation in our minds, wondering what’s the meaning behind them.
Audios Somatic explorations June 15, 2020
This exploration invites you to go back to your body and tune into its wisdom. Inspired by the work of Suzanne Scurlock, who has over 30 years of experience working with different somatic approaches, we’ll turn our attention back to our bodies to rediscover and connect with some of the different Wisdom Areas that are always available to us.
Audios Somatic explorations June 08, 2020
Without even realising, we are constantly shaping an aspect of reality through our inner dialogue. We can create a great relationship with ourselves, or a terrible one, just by the words we use. Have you ever stopped to consider how do you actually talk to yourself?
Audios Somatic explorations June 01, 2020
What comes up for you when you think of the word “Rigid” or “Inflexible”? Have you noticed your emotions, thoughts, or even reactions being rigid and inflexible at times? And if so, how do you feel about that?
Audios Somatic explorations May 25, 2020
What’s been on your mind lately, and more importantly, what’s been in your heart?
Audios Somatic explorations May 18, 2020
We are always expanding and contracting in some way. You take a breath in and your body opens. You then breathe out and your body contracts. We open and close. Move to the left and then to the right. This is the natural flow of things. Being able to know when to open and when to close helps us feel safe, as well as balance and adjust our experience.
Audios Somatic explorations May 05, 2020
This Somatic Exploration is a great yet simple way to start regulating our nervous system, and finding balance in our body, emotions, and energy levels. Using breath and touch, we start learning how to energise and soothe our bodies.
Audios Somatic explorations May 01, 2020
We are not prisoners of our perceptions. We do have the power to decide what we want to pay attention to, and where we want to remove our attention from. But sometimes it does get a little tricky, doesn't it?
Audios Somatic explorations April 25, 2020
Many cultures believe the heart, rather than the brain, is the centre of life and the source of true wisdom. In this meditation we explore together awakening our heart intelligence